Monday, October 3, 2011

iPhone 4S!!!!

We are only 12 short hours away from finding out all the juicy details about the new iPhone! I cannot wait to see what Apple has in store, and what I will be buying within the next few weeks. Yes, I will be buying a new phone regardless of whether it's a new design or not. Honestly I would have already bought an iPhone 4 if I knew there wasn't one coming out soon. I recently dropped my second 3GS and broke a second screen. One word of advice... always use a case! Let's recap some of the more prominent rumors, and what I believe the new phone will be.

For starters, I highly doubt a new design will be introduced. My prediction is the phone will still be the iPhone 4 type design, but may possibly sport a larger screen (not by much). It's pretty universally accepted the new iPhone will have the A5 chip, which will greatly improve performance all around. Another, more recent rumor, that's gained a lot of fuel and get's me stoked is a 64GB model. I would be in love if this was true. Next, the rear facing camera will be 8MP and the front camera will be improved as well. Longer battery life will surely be an addition. Rumors also speculate the new iPhone will come with 1GB of RAM, which is a lot for a phone (which are just tiny computers nowadays anyway).

This mostly sums up the big new features the new iPhone will consist of. Also, don't forget it will come loaded with the new iOS 5. Just thinking about this new iPhone gets me excited to own it. I can't wait for October 14th (rumored/projected day of release). I WILL be camping out to buy the iPhone, and I will post pictures and more about the experience.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

iPhone to Debut October 4th!!

The date has been set for the announcement press conference of the new iPhone! The much anticipated and highly rumored iPhone will finally be revealed to the world. With this being the announcement date, my estimate for the launch date of the phone is October 13th or 14th. Now that the date has been set for the world to learn about the new iPhone, let's talk about some of the rumors circulating.

There are 2 new rumored iPhones. One suggests a newly designed case with a 'teardrop' design and improved internal components. Another suggests simply upgraded components inside the same (at least from the outside) iPhone 4 casing. Then some people suggest both will be launching, one at a higher price and one at a lower price. However, people cannot decide which they believe will contain the higher price tag. Personally, I'm buying the new, higher priced iPhone regardless of it's outer design (although I would prefer it to be a new 'teardrop' design with a rumored 4" screen!).

Only time will tell if the rumors are correct (or rather which rumors are correct). Fortunately, we only have to wait one more week to find out!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


As more things start moving towards the 'cloud' it is going to become hard for people to avoid it. In my opinion, the future will see a massive move towards files and just about everything else saved on your computer being available in the 'cloud'. Dropbox is a perfect example.

Dropbox is easily downloaded onto your computer(s) and smartphone, allowing you to access any files contained in your 'box' from any computer connected to the internet. Gone are the days of e-mailing yourself a photo or document you may need for a class or project at work. Now it's as easy as dropping the file into your 'box' and accessing it right from your work or school computer.

Another aspect of this new trend is the affect it may have on jump-drives (aka thumb-drives). These little storage devices were excellent when you needed to transfer something from one computer to another, but they may become obsolete with the 'cloud'. Jump-drives can be lost or misplaced, but your storage online will always remain there. The only counter-argument I can fathom to this discussion is the price of online storage vs the price of portable storage. Will people be willing to pay for storage online? For the most part people probably don't understand the concept entirely for now, but I have a feeling they will soon.

In addition to being able to access your files from any computer with internet access, you can access your files from your smartphone by downloading the Dropbox app. The possibilities are endless with what you could need to use Dropbox for but one thing is for sure, it is a brilliant idea. I recommend this program/app to anyone who uses computers on a daily basis and has a need for moving files from place to place with ease.

You can download the program from

Sunday, September 18, 2011

iPhone 5 yet?

The anticipation and unknown is killing me slowly. If the iPhone 5 isn't announced soon I may go crazy. Most speculations believe the phone will be announced in the next 2 weeks and be available for sale within a month's time.

On another note, I'm pretty sure it has a better chance of being called the iPhone 5 instead of the iPhone 4s, as long as the rumors and mock-ups are even remotely true. From what rumors have been speculating and mock-ups have shown, the phone will look nothing similar to the iPhone 4. Personally, I'd rather it not be like the iPhone 4. I like the pictures people have come up with, guessing what it will look like.

Only time will answer all of our questions.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

iOS 5 and iPhone 5

A new tip received from a source connected to Apple's AppleCare service has indicated iOS 5 may be launching on October 10th. This would be right on time with what tips from carriers and other sources have been hinting at for the new iPhone release. The last few iOS and iPhone releases have followed a trend. The iOS has been released a few days before the new device, probably to spread out the customer service demand. Taking this fact into account, and assuming this tip is credible, that would place the iPhone 5 launch later that week on October 14th. This release date coincides with speculations that iPhone 5 production has been ramped up in the last few weeks, and also reports of cell phone companies receiving the phone readying their staff for a "big release." Personally, I can't stand to wait much longer for the new phone to come out. I've been waiting and wanting a new phone for months (at one point I almost bought an iPhone 4 to have until the new phone came out).

Sunday, September 11, 2011

64 GB iPhone 5?

 I don't know about everyone else, but my 32GB capacity iPhone 3GS is beyond full. I have a number of music videos and movies on my iTunes that are not on my phone, because there isn't enough room. However, a 64GB capacity phone would solve that problem! While very few rumors have circled about the new iPhone 5 having a 64GB capacity, I hope it does. Technology is getting better everyday, and we're seeing bigger capacity thumb-drives coming out for cheaper and cheaper prices. This leads me to believe the possibility of an iPhone with more capacity is in the very near future. The geniuses at Apple have already figured out how to fit so much into such a small case, so why not more memory? I would be more than willing to pay an extra $100 dollars for the extra space.

Only time will tell whether my dream will become a reality. According to rumors, that time is short. Many expect the new phone to be released within the month. Tips from phone carriers such as Sprint, and production facilities making parts for the phone, hint at a release in October.

Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star

I was skeptical at first to watch this movie in theaters because of the reviews it received from critics and fans alike. The trailers looked funny, but at the same time slightly stupid. It was a decent movie. I wouldn't go see it again in theaters, but it definitely got me to laugh throughout. I would recommend it if you didn't want to see any other movies, but still wanted to go to the movies.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

iPhone 5

I cannot put into words how excited I am for the new iPhone to come out! I have had the iPhone 3GS for 2 years and am ready for an upgrade. I put off getting the iPhone 4 (mainly because I didn't have the money at the time to buy it) and now am ready for a new phone. So ready, in fact, that a friend of mine and I are planning on camping outside of a local Apple store prior to the release!

This will be my first time ever camping out front of a store for a product, and I feel it is well worth it. I would have to say I've slowly become a Mac addict over the years. It all started with an iPod mini, and has now turned into an iMac, and iPhone, with desires for more products (just not the budget!).

I will be sure to post pics and information about my journey through obtaining my new iPhone 5, and might even post a video or something of the sort showing it off!

9/11, 10 years later

September 11, 2001, will forever be remembered by those who were alive to witness the events unfold. It'll be one of those moments where any two strangers can meet on the street and have a lengthy conversation discussing where they were that morning, what they had planned for the day, and what they were thinking as they watched the events occur.

Personally, I was only in 5th grade. 10 years old at the time I remember the day vividly, but thinking back on it, I wasn't exactly sure what was going on while everything was happening. I remember I was getting ready for school in the morning when my mom was sitting watching the news quietly. I remember seeing the photos and videos of planes crashing into the towers. The smoke, the terror, the unknown. When I got to school I remember everyone talking about what they'd seen on television. However, we were a bunch of elementary school kids and we couldn't exactly grasp the nature of the events.

After 10 years of looking back on that tragic day and remembering those who were lost, one can't help to think but how brave the men and women were who helped save as many lives as possible in our country's greatest time of need. The 9/11 memorial is on my list of things to see before I die. To honor those men and women who lost their lives.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and victim's families.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Alyssa Otremba R.I.P.

This past weekend brought shock and sorrow to many in the Las Vegas area. A young, innocent life was brutally and abruptly taken. Alyssa Otremba, 15, was a student at Arbor View, but unfortunately will not be back. Friday night she was attacked on her way home. According to police reports the killer, Javier Righetti, admitted to robbing, raping, killing, and burning the body of Alyssa.

I do not understand how someone could bring themselves to do such harm to another human. Righetti is a disgrace to human kind and doesn't deserve to live his own life. He took the life of an innocent young girl, and did unacceptable things to her body in the process. I can't imagine what Alyssa's last 24 hours must have been like, but one thing is certain, she didn't deserve any of it. How someone can bring themselves to commit such terrible acts against another human evades my mind.

Another thing, which is more frightening than anything, is how close to my own home this all happened. I drive down the road the was attacked on all the time. I have driven past the spot where her body was found dozens of times. To think this all happened so close to my home gives me chills.

As for Righetti, the justice system will surely put him in his place. Whether that be 6 feet under, or in a cell for the rest of his miserable, worthless life. That decision will be up to the DA and the jury hearing the case. I'm torn between him getting the death penalty and living the rest of his life in prison, but I lean towards the first choice. I don't want my tax dollars going towards keeping this piece of shit locked up for the rest of his years. However, I'm sure his time in the cell would be anything but pleasant. A scared little 19 year old kid who raped and killed a helpless 15 year old girl, in jail with hard criminals, certainly wouldn't play to Righetti's favor. I say give him the death penalty. He'll probably sit in jail a while waiting for his turn to come. During this time he'll surely get his share of punishment and pain. Maybe then he'll feel sorry about what he did to that young girl.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, loved ones, and close friends of Alyssa Otremba. I did not know her personally, but I did attend Arbor View. We all have to stick together in times of need, and right now her family needs us. Rest in peace Alyssa Otremba, you will never be forgotten.

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

After watching the first movie I couldn't wait to watch the second one. The first was so entertaining and well put together it held my full attention to the very end. Unfortunately, the second movie let me down. It seemed to drag on FOREVER and parts just felt irrelevant to the entire storyline. Part of this dragging on feeling may be attributed to the time which I watched the movie, 2 AM. But, had I watched the first movie the same night at the same time I'm 100% sure I would have been wide awake and fully engrossed. It looks like I'm going to have to go back and watch the first movie again to remember how good it was and try and repress the memory of having watched the second one.

Blogger for iOS FINALLY!

When I first started writing on Blogger I didn't own an iPhone, but it was not longer after that I bought one. One of the first apps I tried finding was an app for Blogger, but there was none to be found. Needless to say this led to me writing some posts from the web browser on the Blogger web-page. While this got the job done, it was a HUGE pain. Constantly having to move the page around and zoom in and out so I could read what I had written got old quick.

I was surprised it took Google so long to create a Blogger app, but I am sure glad they have. It will allow me to post so much faster!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Boondock Saints

I recently watched The Boondock Saints for the first time and I have to say it was an awesome movie. I had heard a lot about it from friends, but never got the chance to watch it. Thanks to Netflix I was finally able to (although the second one isn't available through Instant Watch).

I enjoyed the movie from beginning to end. I found the idea of a couple guys taking the law into their own hands a rather appealing one. Everyone thinks the same thing when we see somebody go in a big trial or get released on bail, when they should be locked up behind bars. I'm sure more than a few people have had the very idea this movie portrays run through their head when watching these types of things on the nightly news.

2 thumbs up for sure! I'm going to have to search around now to find the second movie and watch it as well.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

College Football!

The college football season has finally started and this can only mean one thing, my homework will suffer. After all, how am I supposed to concentrate on homework with these amazing games going on?

My school, UNLV, isn't known for it's football team. Their season opener came against number 10/11 ranked Wisconsin. The only thing we accomplished during the game was covering the spread (barely!). But, this doesn't deter me from watching other college games.

- Did anyone else see this game? I thought Utah State had it won for sure going into the final minutes of the 4th quarter, but they weren't able to close out the game. Auburn drove down the field to score a touchdown, bringing them within 3 points of Utah State. Then, they executed a perfect on-side kick and drove down the remainder of the field again to score and go up by 4 points.

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Vegas's Hottest New Star!

Sam V. If you haven't heard the name yet you are sure to in the not too distant future. This kid has talent. He's currently an unsigned artist doing all he can to get his name, and most importantly his music, out in the open. His passion for music shows through in his original lyrics and catchy hooks. With punchlines that rival some of today's biggest rap artists he's sure to make it big sooner than later.
Nobody I know works harder to achieve their dreams than this kid. Every time I talk with him he's in his studio either producing new beats, or throwing down some new lyrics. He's posted many songs already on the internet (which are free to download, links provided below) and has began gaining recognition. With some of his songs playing on the radio in various parts of the United States it's only a matter of time. Don't miss out on getting to hear a rising star, and being able to follow his successes from the beginning. I'm confident once you listen to some of his songs you'll be hooked and wanting to hear more.

Follow him on twitter: @_SamV

Like him on Facebook: Sam V

Check out his songs:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vacation's Over

I had a wonderful 8 days with my family, camping in Chula Vista. San Diego has to be my favorite city and I leave knowing I'll return for many vacations and hopefully as a permanent resident in the not too distant future. The weather is amazing and I absolutely love the beach. But now I'm left with the bitter-sweet taste of vacation ending and going home. On one hand I do not want to leave this beautiful city. On the other hand I'd like to be home, sleep in my own bed, and get to see my friends. Until another time, goodbye, San Diego.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Dark Tower

A friend of mine recently told me about a book series he was reading entitled The Dark Tower. After a brief conversation about the main ideas and characters I decided to give the series a try. Starting into the first book I was a bit confused and lost with the characters and setting, but upon reading further I was hooked. Now on the second of what I believe is a seven or eight book series, I can't set the book down. The many twists and turns add to the depth of the plot while keeping your mind thinking about everything that could happen. I may only be on the second book but I recommend this series to anyone who enjoys reading stories which make the mind stop and think.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

It's drawing ever closer. The Super Bowl is this coming Sunday and I can't wait. This should be an awesome game. The Packers and Steelers are nearly even in this matchup, and Las Vegas sports books agree. Last I saw the Packers were favored by 2.5-3 points depending on where you went. Personally, I'm picking the Steelers in this one. One thing they have that the Packers don't is experience, by far. Most players for the Steelers have at least one, if not two Super Bowl rings. The packers do have some players with Super Bowl experience, but nothing like the Steelers. My money goes to the Steelers.

The prop bet which interests me the most in this game is the over/under on sacks. The Steelers and Packers were ranked one and two in sacks for the regular season. The Steelers having 48, and the Packers having 47. The over/under from is 5. Then broken down further by team is 2.5 by the Steelers, and 3 by the Packers. I find this last break down odd. I would expect the Steelers to have more sacks than the Packers on Sunday, although it will be close. As for this prop bet, I would pick the over, and without a doubt the over on the Steelers on their own.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Gym Etiquette

Yet again I have found things that annoy me about people at the gym. Your towel does not represent you being the sole owner of a machine. I fully understand putting your towel on the bench, or back-rest, or whatever to keep the sweat off. I also understand you leaving your towel to grab a quick drink at the water fountain (although this can be alleviated by simply bringing a water bottle). But if you place your towel on a piece of equipment to 'reserve' it and walk off to do whatever else, that's not acceptable.

At the gym today I experienced just this scenario. I approached a piece of equipment I was planning on using, and seeing nobody sitting at it (or in the close vicinity for that matter) I figured it was free. Upon getting to the machine I noticed a small, green towel on the top portion of the back-rest where one's head may be while using the machine. Naturally I stood there a second looking around, trying to find the person who had placed their towel on the machine. I was looking for someone walking back from the fountain, or maybe standing behind me and I didn't notice, but nothing. After about a minute of standing at the machine I removed the towel and started my sets. After a couple sets the owner of the towel surfaced. He walked up with an angered look on his face. "Hey bro I was using this machine," were his exact words. I then politely informed him that I had stood here for almost a minute and he was nowhere in sight, so I took the liberty of moving his towel and beginning my set. I told him we could alternate sets since I wasn't done yet, but he didn't want to. His exact words were, "didn't you see my towel here bro? I was using this machine. I don't want to work in man I'll just wait until you're done." With that I finished my remaining sets, in no rush, and went on my way.

Do some people honestly think they can monopolize a piece of equipment by placing their towel on it and walking off? Some people bewilder me when they say the things they say and act the way they act towards others. Granted this man didn't look like the type who regularly comes to the gym, and also looked like the type who does his hair (gel and all) to go to the gym. Jersey Shore anyone?!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL!?!

I've been waiting for this day all week and it's finally here! Now the big question is, who's going to win? I'm no analytical football expert or anything of the sort, but I would still bet on the games if I were old enough.  The local Las Vegas paper this morning had the point spread at 3 1/2 for each game, favoring the Packers and Steelers. Personally I want the Packers to win, and I believe they will. As far as the Steelers vs. Jets game goes, I don't really have one team I like more than the other. But, if I had to bet on the game I would probably bet on the Jets to win. They are the underdog but they have a very good chance at winning. Only time will tell. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think will happen today.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Town

Tonight I watched The Town, and it definitely got me thinking. Overall it was a good movie. It wasn't anything spectacular that held me on the edge of my seat or kept me guessing the entire time, but I enjoyed it. The whole idea of the movie (robbing banks/armored trucks) in conjunction with a show I was watching the other night on TV got my mind going, how many people actually get away with bank robberies? The show I was watching on TV was called I Almost Got Away With It, or something like that. The episode I saw was about a man who robbed several banks in the New Jersey area and got away with it. He could have stopped after the first few and would have never been caught, but he didn't stop. The first few robberies he executed were perfect. He got away clean and left no traceable evidence behind. Maybe it's an addiction. I think you could compare it to thrill seekers, in that he gets a 'high' off the adrenaline rush from robbing a bank, just as a thrill seeker would get a 'high' off of base jumping illegally. Unfortunately for the man on the show, I don't think he can attend therapy classes to cure his addiction. I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as B.R.A. (Bank Robbers Anonymous). But then again, in our country today there seems to be a clinical diagnosis, medication, and rehab center for just about everything.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Gym Etiquette (Getiquette?)

My post yesterday got me thinking about things which bug me, my pet peeves if you will, and sure enough today at the gym someone pointed one out for me. I think on a larger scale you can derive it as ignorance, or maybe even selfishness; singing while at the gym. As anyone who's been to a large generally knows, some people choose to wear their own headphones and listen to their own music. I have no problem with this at all. In fact, I too usually wear my own headphones for some "pump-up" music. However, I have a problem when someone wearing headphones decides to vocalize the song their currently listening to. Nobody else wants to hear your sorry attempt at singing your favorite song. It's rather annoying and, as stated previously, ignorant. While I'm working out I do not want to hear you sing. Furthermore, the guy singing at the gym yesterday wasn't singing the correct words. He was making up his own "remix" and it was atrocious. I hope this guy isn't a rapper or any other type of lyricist for his day job, or he's in need of a career change.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Improper Gym Attire?

What is it with some people and how they dress at the gym? I understand it's a large gym with multiple locations so they don't have strict guidelines on such matters, but maybe they should. I work out regularly at LVAC (Las Vegas Athletic Club), and sometimes at the UNLV student gym. Whenever I work out at the UNLV gym it's generally in the early morning, when only avid gym users are present. Because of this, I never see people at the UNLV gym wearing what you may call 'inappropriate' gym attire. However, when I workout at LVAC I always see people wearing what I would consider to be "inappropriate' gym attire.

I regularly see people wearing clothing I would never wear while working out. Things like; jeans, flip-flops, skin-tight long-sleeve shirts, and other items like these. I don't understand how people can work out in clothes like this. How are you supposed to workout wearing clothes that don't allow you freely move in any direction? How hard is it to go buy a cheap pair of basketball shorts from Walmart? Of course the same people who come dressed like this to the gym are usually the ones who spend most of their time talking with friends or walking around the track. I can understand why the LVAC management doesn't enforce strict dress code, because it would make some people drop their membership. Ultimately, they are a business and work in mass amounts of members rather than quality of members. But if I had my own gym, I would definitely enforce a dress code.

I wouldn't allow people to work out in jeans, but would sell cheap basketball shorts for their convenience. Flip-flops would not be allowed in the gym area, period. First, it's a safety concern. Second, it's a safety concern. And finally, it's a safety concern. Not only are your feet exposed to things being dropped on them, but flip-flops offer little traction on any surface. I won't go into detail about other inappropriate wear people wear in the gym, because these are the two which bug me the most.

Some people may say I should mind my own business and what they wear to the gym is their own decision, but I beg to differ. I'm paying to be there and use the facility to get a quality work out in, everyone should be required to abide by, at least, a minimal dress code requirement.