Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Town

Tonight I watched The Town, and it definitely got me thinking. Overall it was a good movie. It wasn't anything spectacular that held me on the edge of my seat or kept me guessing the entire time, but I enjoyed it. The whole idea of the movie (robbing banks/armored trucks) in conjunction with a show I was watching the other night on TV got my mind going, how many people actually get away with bank robberies? The show I was watching on TV was called I Almost Got Away With It, or something like that. The episode I saw was about a man who robbed several banks in the New Jersey area and got away with it. He could have stopped after the first few and would have never been caught, but he didn't stop. The first few robberies he executed were perfect. He got away clean and left no traceable evidence behind. Maybe it's an addiction. I think you could compare it to thrill seekers, in that he gets a 'high' off the adrenaline rush from robbing a bank, just as a thrill seeker would get a 'high' off of base jumping illegally. Unfortunately for the man on the show, I don't think he can attend therapy classes to cure his addiction. I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as B.R.A. (Bank Robbers Anonymous). But then again, in our country today there seems to be a clinical diagnosis, medication, and rehab center for just about everything.

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