Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Gym Etiquette

Yet again I have found things that annoy me about people at the gym. Your towel does not represent you being the sole owner of a machine. I fully understand putting your towel on the bench, or back-rest, or whatever to keep the sweat off. I also understand you leaving your towel to grab a quick drink at the water fountain (although this can be alleviated by simply bringing a water bottle). But if you place your towel on a piece of equipment to 'reserve' it and walk off to do whatever else, that's not acceptable.

At the gym today I experienced just this scenario. I approached a piece of equipment I was planning on using, and seeing nobody sitting at it (or in the close vicinity for that matter) I figured it was free. Upon getting to the machine I noticed a small, green towel on the top portion of the back-rest where one's head may be while using the machine. Naturally I stood there a second looking around, trying to find the person who had placed their towel on the machine. I was looking for someone walking back from the fountain, or maybe standing behind me and I didn't notice, but nothing. After about a minute of standing at the machine I removed the towel and started my sets. After a couple sets the owner of the towel surfaced. He walked up with an angered look on his face. "Hey bro I was using this machine," were his exact words. I then politely informed him that I had stood here for almost a minute and he was nowhere in sight, so I took the liberty of moving his towel and beginning my set. I told him we could alternate sets since I wasn't done yet, but he didn't want to. His exact words were, "didn't you see my towel here bro? I was using this machine. I don't want to work in man I'll just wait until you're done." With that I finished my remaining sets, in no rush, and went on my way.

Do some people honestly think they can monopolize a piece of equipment by placing their towel on it and walking off? Some people bewilder me when they say the things they say and act the way they act towards others. Granted this man didn't look like the type who regularly comes to the gym, and also looked like the type who does his hair (gel and all) to go to the gym. Jersey Shore anyone?!

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