Thursday, January 20, 2011

Improper Gym Attire?

What is it with some people and how they dress at the gym? I understand it's a large gym with multiple locations so they don't have strict guidelines on such matters, but maybe they should. I work out regularly at LVAC (Las Vegas Athletic Club), and sometimes at the UNLV student gym. Whenever I work out at the UNLV gym it's generally in the early morning, when only avid gym users are present. Because of this, I never see people at the UNLV gym wearing what you may call 'inappropriate' gym attire. However, when I workout at LVAC I always see people wearing what I would consider to be "inappropriate' gym attire.

I regularly see people wearing clothing I would never wear while working out. Things like; jeans, flip-flops, skin-tight long-sleeve shirts, and other items like these. I don't understand how people can work out in clothes like this. How are you supposed to workout wearing clothes that don't allow you freely move in any direction? How hard is it to go buy a cheap pair of basketball shorts from Walmart? Of course the same people who come dressed like this to the gym are usually the ones who spend most of their time talking with friends or walking around the track. I can understand why the LVAC management doesn't enforce strict dress code, because it would make some people drop their membership. Ultimately, they are a business and work in mass amounts of members rather than quality of members. But if I had my own gym, I would definitely enforce a dress code.

I wouldn't allow people to work out in jeans, but would sell cheap basketball shorts for their convenience. Flip-flops would not be allowed in the gym area, period. First, it's a safety concern. Second, it's a safety concern. And finally, it's a safety concern. Not only are your feet exposed to things being dropped on them, but flip-flops offer little traction on any surface. I won't go into detail about other inappropriate wear people wear in the gym, because these are the two which bug me the most.

Some people may say I should mind my own business and what they wear to the gym is their own decision, but I beg to differ. I'm paying to be there and use the facility to get a quality work out in, everyone should be required to abide by, at least, a minimal dress code requirement.

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