Thursday, September 8, 2011

Alyssa Otremba R.I.P.

This past weekend brought shock and sorrow to many in the Las Vegas area. A young, innocent life was brutally and abruptly taken. Alyssa Otremba, 15, was a student at Arbor View, but unfortunately will not be back. Friday night she was attacked on her way home. According to police reports the killer, Javier Righetti, admitted to robbing, raping, killing, and burning the body of Alyssa.

I do not understand how someone could bring themselves to do such harm to another human. Righetti is a disgrace to human kind and doesn't deserve to live his own life. He took the life of an innocent young girl, and did unacceptable things to her body in the process. I can't imagine what Alyssa's last 24 hours must have been like, but one thing is certain, she didn't deserve any of it. How someone can bring themselves to commit such terrible acts against another human evades my mind.

Another thing, which is more frightening than anything, is how close to my own home this all happened. I drive down the road the was attacked on all the time. I have driven past the spot where her body was found dozens of times. To think this all happened so close to my home gives me chills.

As for Righetti, the justice system will surely put him in his place. Whether that be 6 feet under, or in a cell for the rest of his miserable, worthless life. That decision will be up to the DA and the jury hearing the case. I'm torn between him getting the death penalty and living the rest of his life in prison, but I lean towards the first choice. I don't want my tax dollars going towards keeping this piece of shit locked up for the rest of his years. However, I'm sure his time in the cell would be anything but pleasant. A scared little 19 year old kid who raped and killed a helpless 15 year old girl, in jail with hard criminals, certainly wouldn't play to Righetti's favor. I say give him the death penalty. He'll probably sit in jail a while waiting for his turn to come. During this time he'll surely get his share of punishment and pain. Maybe then he'll feel sorry about what he did to that young girl.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, loved ones, and close friends of Alyssa Otremba. I did not know her personally, but I did attend Arbor View. We all have to stick together in times of need, and right now her family needs us. Rest in peace Alyssa Otremba, you will never be forgotten.

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