Tuesday, September 20, 2011


As more things start moving towards the 'cloud' it is going to become hard for people to avoid it. In my opinion, the future will see a massive move towards files and just about everything else saved on your computer being available in the 'cloud'. Dropbox is a perfect example.

Dropbox is easily downloaded onto your computer(s) and smartphone, allowing you to access any files contained in your 'box' from any computer connected to the internet. Gone are the days of e-mailing yourself a photo or document you may need for a class or project at work. Now it's as easy as dropping the file into your 'box' and accessing it right from your work or school computer.

Another aspect of this new trend is the affect it may have on jump-drives (aka thumb-drives). These little storage devices were excellent when you needed to transfer something from one computer to another, but they may become obsolete with the 'cloud'. Jump-drives can be lost or misplaced, but your storage online will always remain there. The only counter-argument I can fathom to this discussion is the price of online storage vs the price of portable storage. Will people be willing to pay for storage online? For the most part people probably don't understand the concept entirely for now, but I have a feeling they will soon.

In addition to being able to access your files from any computer with internet access, you can access your files from your smartphone by downloading the Dropbox app. The possibilities are endless with what you could need to use Dropbox for but one thing is for sure, it is a brilliant idea. I recommend this program/app to anyone who uses computers on a daily basis and has a need for moving files from place to place with ease.

You can download the program from Dropbox.com

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