Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Newsroom Premiere

About 2 hours ago I had no idea what The Newsroom was. When I sat down to watch TV after coming home from work and eating dinner I simply flipped on the tube and it was already on HBO (I think I was watching True Blood before work). After I watched the entire episode I did some searching and came to find it was the series premiere. The opening scene caught my attention and had me glued to the TV for the remainder of the show. I love how they related it to real world events that occurred (BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico) and made the show around that event. The characters were vivid and enticing and I felt like they were right here in the room with me (or maybe I just wanted MacKenzie McHale, played by Emily Mortimer, to be in the room with me - that accent, oh my!). I think it's safe to say I will definitely be watching the show next time it's on, and keeping up with it weekly. I highly recommend this show!

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