Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Finals Week!

Well it's finally here, finals week. It is a time of both joy and sorrow, of relief and agony. On one hand, it's the last week of the semester and after this week is over I'll have 5 weeks off to do whatever I want. However, it is also a stressful week because the tests which are including in this week account for large portions of my grade for each class. Countless hours of studying have gone down at my desk over the past week, and now when I have two finals tomorrow and my last one on Thursday, I can no longer find motivation to study any longer. That's mainly the reason I'm blogging at this moment...as well as constantly checking Facebook, Tumblr, Yahoo e-mail, and Twitter. While I should be studying I find myself unable to concentrate on the material any longer, and slowly I'm slipping off into the deep abyss of limbo. Which reminds me...I purchased the movie Inception last night on iTunes and watched it before I went to sleep (after my hours of studying). Probably not the best movie to watch while trying to go to sleep though. As I lay there in bed I was constantly wondering if I was already asleep and just dreaming, or still laying there in my bed trying to fall asleep but unable to because the constant thought of whether or not I was already asleep was penetrating my mind. Confusing I know, which surely explains why I had trouble getting to sleep! Unfortunately I think it's time to get back to studying (or at least attempting to) and cramming my mind with more and more information from my fountain of knowledge, a.k.a. my binder/notes.

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